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Applied Photography Classes

Studio Lighting

Hands-on course in studio lighting for portraiture and products teaches studio literacy as well as lighting patterns and lighting theory.  Learn and develop lighting skills that will enhance your photos in the studio as well as outdoors.  Pre-req:  Digital Photography I or instructor permission.


One night per week for 4 weeks / $155

Wedding Photography

Learn the skills and techniques required to successfully photograph the many elements of a wedding.  This class includes shooting a formal bridal portrait in the studio and a mock wedding.  Taught by a professional wedding photographer with over 20 years of experience, you will learn how to navigate the stress and excitement of shooting weddings.  Required equipment:  DSLR and an off-camera flash (speedlight).   Pre-req:  Digital Photography I or instructor permission.


One night per week for 4 weeks / $135

Large Softbox Graphic
Macro Photography

Improve your macro photography and close-up skills with this hands-on class.  This class covers achieving magnification, equipment selection, lighting, long exposures, hyper-focusing, and includes constructive critique.


One night per week for 3 weeks / $95

Creative Lighting and Portraiture

This portrait workshop is taught with wireless speedlights (wireless flash) in the studio as well as on location.  Learn the skills necessary to create the lighting effects  you desire while also gaining experience in posing and working with your subject.  Model releases and poses for women, men, and children are also covered.  Required equipment:  Wireless flash, reflector(s), light stand or light stick, and a flash bracket with an umbrella or softbox.  Pre-req:  Digital Photography I or instructor permission.


One night per week for 4 weeks / $155

Parabolic Studio Light
Starting Your
Photography Business

Would you like to take your photography hobby to the next level?  Learn what the government requires, copyright rights, what equipment is necessary, and how to write a successful business plan.


One night per week for 3 weeks / $85

The Art of Seeing

Are you wanting to strengthen your composition skills?  This three week class will help you "see" more artistically through exploring the elements of art and principles of design.  Elevate your images to a higher level through the creation of "subjectless" images.


One afternoon per week for 3 weeks / $85

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